Sunday, October 30, 2011


"World War I and the 1920s - Nativism." Encyclopedia of the New American Nation. Encyclopedia of the New American Nation, 2011. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. <>.

"Regents Prep U.S History and Government." Regents Prep U.S History and Government. Oswego City School District, 1999. Web. 29th Oct. 2011. <>.

Trueman, Chris. "The Red Scare in the 1920." History Learning Site. Chris Trueman. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. <>.

"Isolationism and the Foreign New Deal." Mises Economics Blog — Proceeding Ever More Boldly Against Evil., 11th Oct. 2007. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. <>.

The Americans Reconstruction to the 21st Century. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2009. Print

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