Sunday, October 30, 2011

African American Culture

The Great Migration was the mass movement of about 6 million from the South to the Northeast, Midwest and West during 1910 through 1930.

NAACP stands for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, formed in 1909.

Marcus Garvey was the founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL).
Jazz Age took place in the 1920’s or the Roaring Twenties during which Jazz and dance had been formed.

Music, Literature, and Arts of the 1920's

Music, Literature, and Arts of the 1920s among these was th creation of a genre of music called Jazz. The use of newspapers to tell the news also with the formation of magazines.

The Harlem Renaissance was the celebration of African American culture of literature and art. It was to let African American express themselves. It took place in the 1920’s or the Roaring Twenties during which Jazz and dance had been formed.

The Expansion of Public Schools, Leisure activities, and mass media

Public Schools in the 20s Less students were finishing high school then going to college do to more job opportunity without a need for a college degrees.

Mass Media creates better-informed people by radio, newspapers, magazines and TV broadcasting.

Leisure Activities Some new things came to be during this time such as new fashions and baseball.

Fundamentalism and Womens Rights in the 1920's

Fundamentalism is a form of interpretation of the Bible and what it is saying. 

Scopes Trial was a trial against a schoolteacher named John T. Scopes who was teaching about Charles Darwin’s belief of how organisms came to be on this earth.

Flapper was a “new breed” of western women who wore short shorts, smoked and drove cars. It was a new form a women living in the US.
Women’s Roles in the ‘20s changed by them having jobs and being able to go to college. They could work as a telephone operator, in factories and as a teacher.
Margaret Sanger Was a sex educator, nurse and a birth control activist. She also created the first birth control center in the U.S.


Prohibition & the Volstead Act- It is the banning of alcohol, consumption and selling of any kind of it. Started in 1920 and ended in 1933.

Speakeasies- It was the illegal selling, creation and transportation of alcohol. It was the massive plummet in alcohol licenses.
Bootleggers- It was the concealment of flasks of alcohol in boots. It was prohibited by the 18th amendment and was even broken by government workers.


New Technologies

The invention of Automobiles and commercial airplane use. The ability for common people to afford an automobile.

Installment Plans/Credit- It was a form of paying for goods and services over an extended period of time.

Big cities- They influenced the economic flow of money to the people. The bigger the city the more widely known it is by the people.

Big Businesses

Warren G. Harding was an important person because he tried to restore the political interests in America after WWI. He invited many world leaders to a conference in 1921 called the Washington Naval Conference. Russia was not invited because they were communist. The conference talked about how no more warships should be built for ten years because these countries did not want to start another war with Germany. 

These countries signed the Kellogg- Briand pact, which was a contract to not start another war with any other country.

His cabinet members were called “The Ohio Gang,” because they were all from Ohio. They would later cause a huge problem.  

The Teapot Dome scandal- in 1923. Secretary of Interior Albert B. Fall secretly leased oil-rich land to sell to these private companies in return for land and money. Later, he received more than 400,000 dollars. Then, he was found guilty of bribery and was sentenced to jail. 

After the scandal, Warren G. Harding passed away of a heart attack in 1923. Then, 
Calvin Coolidge took over as president. He restored economic opportunities and believed that taxes should be reduced in the U.S. He also believed that big businesses should receive credit in order to expand in the U.S.